Marne Apolo, RYT, MA
Registered Yoga Teacher and Communication Instructor
Yoga Training and Education
I was lucky to walk into the Mindful Body yoga studio in San Francisco in 1996, and have Yolanda Bain as my very first yoga teacher. I learned yoga can be nurturing. When I moved back home to Michigan, I earned my 200 Level Teacher Training Certification at Sangha Yoga Institute. I continued on the learning path with Judith Hanson Lasater to become a Relax and Renew Trainer. This knowledge of restorative yoga helps guide all classes with softness. I learned Loving Kindness meditations with Sharon Salzberg and Stephen Cope and participated in multiple workshops with Angela Farmer. This continuing education cultivates an inner trust as teacher to invite students to move away from the sometimes rigid grid of yoga poses and into their own unique bodies to find the beautiful essence of being alive. Presently, teach yoga on Zoom, lead in-person retreats, and am an Insight Yoga student with Sarah and Ty Powers.